
Treklöver Gilwell Nordic

Treklöver Gilwell is the training for you who are an experienced scout leader and feel eager to develop your own leadership, experience your own scouting adventures in a patrol together with other committed scout leaders and want to be inspired to take scouting to a new level.

7 jul 2024 - 9 feb 2025

Sista ansökningsdag 7 januari 2024




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Is it time to rekindle your Scouting spark? Is it time to look deeper into why you are a Scout leader?
Are you a trainer, unit leader or have other roles in the Scout movement and would like to have the opportunity to reflect upon why it is you are doing what you are doing in Scouting?
Would you like to recharge your batteries by reconnecting with your desire to be a scout leader? Then Treklöver Gilwell (TG) is the right leadership training for you!

About the training

The Treklöver Gilwell (Wood Badge) training course has a long international tradition and the training has developed in line with the Scout movement and society. 2019 marked the 100 years of Wood Badge Training with centenary celebrations all over the world.

Treklöver Gilwell is an advanced leadership training where participants are given the opportunity to experience and practice Scouting while reflecting both individually and jointly on different leadership theories. Personal development is linked to the Scout movement national program and your involvement in local Scout activities.
The training course starts with preparatory tasks at home followed by altogether eight coursedays. In addition, you will carry out an individual development project connected to your own scout leadership role. You will be supported by a TG supervisor. From the preparation tasks to the final presentation, the training spans over ten months.

TG Nordic is a Treklöver Gilwell training course where you get an international perspective of Scout leadership. In TG Nordic we create a training environment where you practice international Scouting. The course welcomes participants from all the Nordic countries, and all the Nordic countries are represented in the trainer team. Thanks to structured course assignments in the patrols already before the course week and with patrols with just six patrol members we aim to enable a deeper exchange of ideas.

To be able to include participants from all Nordic countries, the training will be held in English.

The training is divided into:

Start up assignments with peer learning in the patrols and with support from the training team April-June 2024

You will receive assignments where you get to know your patrol members before the training course week. Peer learning can also be called collegial learning and means that you have a structured conversation in a group of three people where you not only learn from each other's Scouting experiences but also reflect and can come up with solutions to possible challenges. The course assignments aim to create a common knowledge based on important areas within our Nordic Scout organizations such as diversity, programs, and the Scout leader role.

The training course week at Kungshol 7-14 July 2024
(a small Scout centre in beautiful forest setting outside Rättvik, Dalarna, Sweden
During the course week, you will live with your patrol and in this way you will explore your leadership and your own behaviour in a group. Feedback and reflection are important tools. At the same time, you participate in various training sessions and thus add to your knowledge of the foundations of Scouting, group processes and leadership. During the course week, you identify your needs for development as a scout leader and find a goal for your development work. You coordinate your development work with your supervisor and are ready to go home and carry out your development work with the support of your supervisor and possibly also a contact person at home.

The personal development work autumn and winter 2024
(until follow-up weekend)
You implement, reflect and learn from your development work at home with the support of your supervisor. The patrol will connect a few times during the autumn to exchange experiences and gain new perspectives, based on each other's ongoing development work.

The follow-up weekend 7 February-9 February 2025 at Gilwellstugan
(Flen, Sörmland, a small Scout Centre facility with old Swedish Wood Badge traditions)
For the final course part, the goal is for you to be finished with your development project. During the follow-up training weekend you share your work, reflect and inspire each other. The course weekend also includes training sessions, which are mainly built on the participants' continued wishes after the course week. During the course weekend, we get to take part in the symbolic framework that the Gilwell Cottage has provided the Swedish TG training and conclude with a ceremony where the TG insignia are handed over.

Prior knowledge

The training course is open to Scout leaders with at least three years experience and who already have basic Scout leadership training. To participate in the training you should be at least 23 years old. This training course also requires that you understand and can make yourself understood in English.

Applications and participation fee

The participation fee is 6500 SEK  (your travels are not included in the fee and must be organized by the participants themselves).

Applications can be submitted between 1 September, 2023 and 7 January, 2024. Please note that applying does NOT automatically get you a place on the course.. All applications will be reviewed by the training management and you will be notified as soon as possible after the last registration date whether you are accepted to the course or not.

If you are accepted, you will receive an invoice for the participation fee of 6500 SEK with a due date in February 2024.

If you have to cancel after the participation fee has been paid, it will not be refunded. If you become ill after the full participation fee has been paid, you will only be reimbursed if you have a medical certificate as proof that you cannot attend.

Questions can be answered by anyone of the heads of the training team below.

Heads of the training team

Kerstin Bergsten, Sweden
Kerstin has previously been supervisor and Head of the training team on several Treklöver-Gilwell training courses. She has a long-standing commitment to the Scouts' international work as a volunteer but also as an employee of the World Scout Jamboree 2011. She has helped to deliver the European Partnership Network Event over the last couple of years. Kerstin now works as a Social Science teacher, after having spent the last couple of years supporting intercultural understanding through youth exchanges as Secretary General with Youth For Understanding, Sweden.

Annina Kainu, Finland
Annina has been on the training team for a joint Treklöver Gilwell between the Guides and Scouts of Sweden and Finland, and twice the head of the training team for a bilingual Treklöver Gilwell in Finland. She has been a team member on the course Value Based Leadership in both Finland and in Sweden, and for the Nordic Advanced Leadership Training in Sweden.

Annina is currently a WAGGGS Global Core Mission volunteer in the Leadership Practice team. She has been on the planning team for the Juliette Low Seminar in Kusafiri, Tanzania, 2019, and several times served as a facilitator for WAGGGS at the European Guide and Scout Academy and at various other guiding and scouting events globally. Annina works as a university teacher and education planner in Economics and Sustainability.


Any questions can be sent to Kerstin, (Sweden), and Annina, (Finland), as Heads of the training team, but if you have specific questions about participating from Iceland, Denmark and Norway feel free to also contact:

Iceland: Dagbjört Brynjarsdóttir,
Denmark: so far Kerstin or Annina.
Norway: Arne Norstebo,, tel +47 48887929.

Training objectives

After completing the course you will have reached a deeper insight into your leadership role within the Scout movement. The theoretical framework will support you, although the most important tool is the in-depth exchanges with other Scout leaders, from many different backgrounds, who all want to grow together during the training.
TG is an individual development journey where you can reach as far as you would like, but it requires that you are open to change and able to reflect on yourself and your leadership role. You will have a new Scout patrol with friends who can help you progress towards your goals both during and after the training course.
You have also acquired tools for your continued personal development and Scout journey.

During the training you will have the opportunity to reflect on your leadership linked to who you are and would like to be in your Scout involvement from the aspects Individual, Group, Unit/Movement and Foundation. What sets this course apart from other Scout leader trainings is that you are given the opportunity to deepen and develop your leadership, through a greater individual development project and in the joint scout experience you get with the other participants in the training.

* The Individual gives you an in-depth personal development in relation to your leadership to get a greater sense of security in your own leadership. You become more aware of yourself and your leadership role within the Scouts, increasing self-awareness and strengthening your self-esteem.
* The Group gives you a deeper understanding and practical experience of how you work in a group, knowledge of groups and group development.
*The Unit/Movement gives you a deeper understanding of how you function in your own Scouting environment as well as how you can influence the unit, the local Scouting community and the national and international Scout organizations.
*Scouting's foundations gives you a deeper understanding of, your incentives and your relationship to the ideas and methods of the movement, values ​​and mission.
*A joint Scout experience creates a common arena for the participants on which you can reflect individually and together on the course content and your own development.
* The development project is carried out individually with the support of a supervisor, between the two course events. Personal development, an inner journey, possibly connected to an external project, with the aim of driving your personal scout leadership development forward.

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